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AGM 2023

13th April 2023

On April 13th, 2023, DEFINA held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) and it was a success. The meeting was attended members of the board and 80% of attendance is achieved. The AGM is an important event as it provides an opportunity to review the association's performance in the past year, and to discuss the direction of association in the next 2 years.

During the AGM, DEFINA's President, Kelvin Chong, presented the association's financial report for the past year. He presented the Financial Statement and the the detailed source of revenue of association.


In addition to presenting the financial report and strategic plan, Kelvin Chong also announced the activities that DEFINA has planned for the next two years. These include the involvement in few exhibition includes LIMA Langkawi 2023, TADTE Taipei 2023, and also Defense and Security 2023 Bangkok. A DEFINA Anniversary Dinner is also planned to hold in coming December.

The recap of the presentation in video format have attached on below. 

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